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Treguier and the Pardon of St Yves

Neil O'Connor

Friday saw us setting off just after 7 to Treguier. The forecast was for a Westerly 2 to 4, which turned out to be a Westerly F4. This meant a fast sail from St Quay up the coast past the Ile de Brehat - with the tide underneath us 7 to 8 kts over the ground.

Once clear of Brehat we needed to make our way West past Les Heaux de Brehat so we put in two long tacks either side of the wind as well as a reef in the genoa and main. With the reefs we were making 6 knots through the water with the tide behind us as well.

We turned into the Treguier river And made our way under sail to La Corne light before dropping the sails and anchoring for lunch just past the light.

Oyster boat passing Shadow at anchor

We then motored up the river past moored boats, oyster farms and fish farms before mooring in the marina in Treguier.

Saturday was a domestic day cleaning the boat and doing laundry. We also walked around town and noticed lots of signs saying that parking was suspended on Sunday. We popped into a bakery to pick up some croissants for the morning and asked what was going on on Sunday to be told it was the Pardon of St Yves. St Yves is the patron saint of lawyers and the pardon is a big event with several masses and a parade through town of the relics of St Yves.


Sunday saws us installed outside the Cathedral by 10 o'clock when the mass was due to start. An hour later the parade started with traditional Breton bands, lots of parish banners and crosses and the relics of St Yves.

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